
Wolfgang Liebert: Risk Research APA Science Podcast

Wolfgang Liebert: Risk Research APA Science Podcast

Science and technology can be used for peaceful, but also for military purposes. Wolfgang Liebert has been dealing with this...

Friederike Frieß: Is continued operation of nuclear power plants in Germany possible?

Friederike Frieß: Is continued operation of nuclear power plants in Germany possible?

The FDP wants Germany’s remaining nuclear power plants to continue operating until spring 2023. Friederike Frieß was asked about this...

M.V. Ramana on the problems of Molten Salt Reactors then and now

M.V. Ramana on the problems of Molten Salt Reactors then and now

Molten salt nuclear reactors are all the rage among some nuclear power enthusiasts. They promise designs that will soon lower...

Mycle Schneider: “More is not possible because the nuclear fuel is not available”

Mycle Schneider: “More is not possible because the nuclear fuel is not available”

The russian invasion of Ukraine put nuclear energy back on the table of some German politicians. Can going back to...

Nikolaus Müllner: Energy transition possible without nuclear energy

Nikolaus Müllner: Energy transition possible without nuclear energy

The energy transition towards renewable energies could succeed even without the use of nuclear energy. This was explained on Friday...

Paul Dorfman: Nuclear is already well past its sell-by date

Paul Dorfman: Nuclear is already well past its sell-by date

Boris Johnson hopes his dream of “a new nuclear plant every year” will be aided and abetted by the recent...

Nuclear power plants in war zones

Nuclear power plants in war zones

In the course of the Russian war of aggression on Ukraine, one thing became clear to the world: nuclear power...

Nikolaus Müllner in the Kurier

Nikolaus Müllner in the Kurier

In the course of the event organised by the ISR of BOKU, the dangers for nuclear power plants in war...

Paul Dorfman in the media

Paul Dorfman in the media

INRAG member Paul Dorfman was asked about his opinion regarding Britain’s plan to increase their nuclear stake in the future....

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