The nuclear industry dreams small
M.V. Ramana was interviewed for a program on the BBC dealing with the question whether “the future of nuclear power...
M.V. Ramana was interviewed for a program on the BBC dealing with the question whether “the future of nuclear power...
A research project called “Survival Kit @ Home” which is lead by Gabriele Mraz is extensively covered in the Austrian...
M.V. Ramana an opinion piece on DeseretNews on a planned nuclear project consisting of NuScale SMRs. He argues that UAMPS...
Nikolaus Müllner is quoted in the Austrian newspaper KURIER in an article labeled “Debatte um Atomkraft neu entfacht”. He states...
The WNISR2020 was launched on 24 September 2020. The report is available online in various formats here. One of the lead...
The Austrian newspaper Kurier published an article dealing with the future of nuclear energy. Nikolaus Müllner is quoted arguing in...
Paul Dorfman argues in an article for The Telegraph that ‘the fate of new nuclear projects will be determined by...
Oda Becker and Gabriele Mraz prepared an expert statement for the Austrian Ministry of Climate Action on the Environmental Impact...
Oda Becker prepared a working paper for “Joint Project – Nuclear Risk & Public Control” on the “Impact of Climate...
Impressum: INRAG International Nuclear Risk Assessment Group, Dänenstraße 4, 1190 Vienna, Austria
ZVR: 1732539393
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