Posts by wordpressadmin

Nuclear power plants in war zones

Nuclear power plants in war zones

In the course of the Russian war of aggression on Ukraine, one thing became clear to the world: nuclear power...

Nikolaus Müllner in the Kurier

Nikolaus Müllner in the Kurier

In the course of the event organised by the ISR of BOKU, the dangers for nuclear power plants in war...

Paul Dorfman in the media

Paul Dorfman in the media

INRAG member Paul Dorfman was asked about his opinion regarding Britain’s plan to increase their nuclear stake in the future....

Dr Paul Dorfman on BBC

Dr Paul Dorfman on BBC

Paul Dorfman gave an interview on BBC News regarding Britain’s energy strategy.

ARTE documentary featuring Mycle Schneider

ARTE documentary featuring Mycle Schneider

A few days ago, the German/French cultural channel published a documentary on the topic “Nuclear power, the green future?”. One...

An overview of old reactors by Julie Hazemann

An overview of old reactors by Julie Hazemann

Agnés Sienne and Julie Hazemann call sticking with old reactors technology geriatrics. A great overview shows how old the reactors...

Discussion: Alternative disposal options for highly radioactive waste on May 11

Discussion: Alternative disposal options for highly radioactive waste on May 11

On Wednesday, May 11, 2022, the Federal Office for the Safety of Nuclear Waste Management (BASE) invites to a public...

INRAG expert Paul Dorfman on the situation in Ukraine

INRAG expert Paul Dorfman on the situation in Ukraine

Paul Dorfman has been quoted in several online magazines in the wake of the Ukraine war. Here you can find...

Wolfgang Renneberg Participation in interactive panel discussion

Wolfgang Renneberg Participation in interactive panel discussion

On 30 March 2022, INRAG member Wolfgang Renneberg will take part in an interactive panel discussion on the topic of...

Nikolaus Müllner interview for Futurezone

Nikolaus Müllner interview for Futurezone

Nikolaus Müllner was contacted by Futurezone for the format “fuzo explains” to give his opinion on the events in Ukraine...